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Our Impact

Keep reading to find out how we make an impact in our Brigades! With our amazing members and the skills they bring, this is how we personalize each clients' experience!

One-on-One Consultations

With several one-on-one consultations with the client, we are able to get a grasp of their priorities. We start with client and team introductions, question and answers times, and feedback process for possible solutions. We strive to go beyond the language barrier through the help of Global Brigade translators and native speakers in our team.

Video Consultation
Business Consultation

Financial Help

We divide and conquer our solutions. Our top notch Financial team will device the necessary strategies for things such as: inventory issues, record-keeping, debt/ loan payments, and asset management. They will be in charge of advising how the client can get the best from their income, going over best practices and implementing/ automating their records.

Marketing Help

Our creative Marketing Team will help the client on building a brand image and differentiating from local competition. They will do research on what the client wants to portray  their business and help achieve that in the best way possible. They are also in charge of advising the client on how to promote their business to attract new customers and increase loyalty amongst existing customers.

Online Shopping

Final Plan - Presentation

At the end of the Brigade, all teams come together to compile their findings and recommendations to present to the client in a visual presentation and get feedback. These presentations will contain actionable items for the client including website and social media building and pre-coded Excel sheets ready for immediate use.

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